Thursday, June 14, 2012


I want a life with someone who doesn’t mind that our dinnerware doesn’t match. Who shares a home with me, which reflects the life we have built together. Our experiences and adventures culminate in comforting home décor, photographs, and our books fight for self space. We live in a home that encourages ice cream eating, coffee drinking, late night ramblings, and lazy Sundays; that doesn’t mind a little sand on the floor after a day at the beach. A home where we’re not afraid to play the music a little too loud, the humility to laugh at ourselves, the courage to cry when we fight, and the passion to make up all night. Where flowers end up on the dinner table after a long day, or muffins for breakfast at the start of a new one. A life that’s committed even though it’s not always easy. Where days filled with small, thoughtful acts that remind one another of why we fell in love in the first place, turn into years of partnership.

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