Thursday, June 21, 2012


Yesterday was John's birthday and for the first time in my life, I feel like I got the right present for someone. Normally, I'm not a stellar gift-giver. I put too much pressure on it, can never think of the "perfect" gift, and get jammed up. I end up gifting something that is somewhat thoughtful or somewhat of a joke.

After my birthday back in January, when John got me a perfect gift, the pressure was on. His gift was not only thoughtful, it was totally "me," and it was beautiful, (they say you can never go wrong with jewelry, but you most certainly can - jewelery can come off as impersonal if you don't truly know the person. John did not go wrong in the least).

So what to get my adventurous boyfriend? Certainly the typical "guy" gifts were out - no watches, cologne, or tech stuff here. Books were out - though we both love them, shelves are getting full - plus, those are gifts we give each other "just because."

Long story short, I was very happy with what I came up with, and more importantly, so was he. There's nothing better than seeing someone genuinely enjoy a gift you give them.

Tonight is "Birthday: Phase 2." Pistachio cake. Wish me luck in baking!

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