Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days  that ever come can depend on what you do today. It’s been that way 
all this year. It’s been that way so many times.
Ernest Hemingway

 I've never been one for making New Year's resolutions - I hate making lofty goals and empty promises, even to myself. It seems to me that people take this opportunity to "start fresh," get on a "health kick," and start revolutionizing their lives and changing the world. You can Google, "New Year's Resolutions" and be presented with a list of things that you should be improving about yourself and your life. Who wants to resolve to make themselves better based on some random, often unattainable standard? In my experience, it seems that people wake up on January 1st with a hell of a hangover and their resolve lost somewhere between their cell phone and one of their shoes.

This past year has taken me on a wild ride; when I look back on my life 12 months ago, I barely recognize it, and believe me - that's a good thing. I've done so much this past year to get myself in a good place, that I really don't feel the need to make a resolution to dramatically change anything in my life. But there are a few things that I'd like to try and do this next month, to see if I can make it into a habit. This isn't because it's December 31st and this isn't because I feel as if I have to "better" myself. This is because I believe in checking in with myself and making slight adjustments all year round.

1) I'd like to start doing yoga a bit more. In the winter months my whole body aches, as if it's yearning for warm weather. Now we've been lucky so far this winter, it hasn't been frigid yet, but my body is already settling in for hibernation. Doing yoga a few times a week will keep me limber and hopefully, if my body isn't aching, I will be more likely to keep up with my workouts during the long winter months.

2) A month or so ago I received a "just because" gift, (I know, I get just because books and flowers, I'm a lucky girl) and it was not only thoughtful and personal, but also practical. I really enjoy cooking, I find it relaxing when I have the time and the right ingredients. I enjoy being healthy; it's amazing how different your body feels when you feed it the right way, (unfortunately, I also know how good your taste buds feel when you feed them decadent treats) and I also enjoy being conscious about the environment. So, The Food Matters Cookbook was a great, unexpected gift. The cookbook is written by Mark Bittman, author of the Bestseller, Food Matters. In the cookbook, Bittman provides easy recipes that benefit your health and the environment. This isn't a "diet" book and this isn't a rulebook of how to become a vegetarian. It's a guideline on how to change some (not all) of your eating habits that you can easily personalize and execute. Bittman suggests that by eating less meat, and more local beans, grains, fruits, and veggies, we will become "healthier" and considering that, "the more animals we raise industrially, [to be slaughtered] the more greenhouse gases we are producing" we will also be doing a small part to better the environment.
So, I'm going to give some of the recipes a try and report back!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Eve Plans

I find that New Year's Eve is often overrated and that it can be a bit anti-climactic. That's why this year I made plans I know can't go wrong. Stress free and fun is always the way to go. Surround yourself with people you love with good food and entertainment and you start the year off in a really great way.

Currently loving...

This Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros song

My new tomboy boots
Etiquette for a Lady
More globes
Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist

Winter "Break"

Since Christmas I have taken a but of an internet hiatus. Honestly, it was pretty nice. I barely even checked my email and I certainly didn't blog or check out those that I usually follow. But, as it always does, my urge to write, even something short and sweet, came roaring back and I scheduled some time today to sit down and "catch up."

This week has been busy, but the good kind of busy. There's been a lot of family time, balanced by some "me" time, which was mainly spent trying to organize my life (primarily focusing on my bedroom). I took a trip to the Bronx Zoo, slept late, (until 9, which is a record for me recently) I've been reading, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, which I've actually never read before, I picked out paint colors for my upcoming basement remodel, planned a little winter adventure for January, saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, (review to come shortly)...also have been doing a little self-reflection, which is never a bad thing, but always a bit tiring. So, all in all it has been a pretty great week.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Merry!

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas/Holiday/Whateveryoucelebrate...just have a happy one!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Books, books, books

My lovely friend Mia, blogged about this site: and I am officially obsessed. I want to get lost in one of these bookstores with her and race to see who can find the best book (of course we will both win because we will both think that the book we've chosen is the best). There's just something so nostalgic about books. The way they feel, the way they sound, the way they smell...all of your senses are engaged when you read a book. For me, all of those senses are also awakened when I enter a bookstore or a library. One of my friends recently asked me: So what's with you and bookstores lately? And honestly, I've always had an obsession with books, shops, libraries, but I feel like I lost touch with a lot of the simple pleasures in life during my old job. I was frankly too busy and too "in the zone" to even stop and enjoy a book I was reading or the smell of a library. With books, you can always remember the places you bought them, who gave them to you, where you read them, what part of your life you were at when you read them, mark them up, write notes in them, lend them to a can display books as a badge of honor, "yes I was there, yes I conquered that, I took something from that book and made it my own." What's better than that? When I enter a book store I feel like I've been transported to another time. My voice gets quiet, my steps are light, I become a person with hopes and dreams that are contained within the books on the shelves. Yes...I am a nerd. But this is one part of me that I am glad I reconnected with.

These pictures are just some of my favorites from the site that literally made me giddy inside.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Flowers make a girl feel special

Red and white roses
just because
brighten up a rainy Wednesday

Another one down...

My fall semester is officially finished! What a relief. This semester was great for several reasons that I wont bore you with at this time, but I am very thankful for everything that has happened to me since September.

I also want to take this time to say how proud I am of my Mom for graduating this semester. She has worked tremendously hard and has set a great example for my brother and I. We are having a little dinner tonight in honor of her...Cheers Mama!

It's times and events such as these that people tend to do a little soul searching and I admittedly have done my fair share of that. Trying to define yourself by a moment in time is exhausting and quite possibly a wasted effort. Time changes things so rapidly, maybe it's best to identify yourself against something more stable....something more your own experiences and essence of being. I don't believe that you should ever stop trying to figure out who you are but sometimes it's best to sit back and realize that most things that are worth having in life come when you least expect them. I think that we should all strive to feel happy when we see ourselves for who we truly are. What a difficult task...

“Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life.”
 ~Pablo Neruda

Monday, December 19, 2011


This past Saturday I was fortunate enough to spend the day and night with some really terrific friends - both old and new. My friends from college and I all met in the city to see the tree, lights, and the hustle and bustle of the city. I'm really glad that we all took the time out of our busy schedules to hang out, (and a special shout out to the organizer of our festivities!). Everyone brought friends, so we all met some new people and bringing people together is what I like most about the holiday season (not, for instance the crazy crowds). I finished out the night / rang in Sunday morning with some new friends and some gin. Success.

These past few days I've been pretty happy and excited, and I don't know if it's the Christmas cheer getting to me, the fact that the semester is nearly finished, (one more paper!) or some other factor but I do have to say, I'm loving it! 2011 is ending on a pretty great note.

Spreading some cheer...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

::Content Sigh::

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…
I could walk through my garden forever."
— Alfred Lord Tennyson

Friday, December 16, 2011


And yet, another Friday winds down and because I'm actually 82, I am craving a hot shower, my bed, a good book or movie and some tea, and cookies. Bars?...What? 

I am craving this tonight, especially because I can never decide between writing or taking a nice relaxing bath.

Yes, some might say, (myself included) that I'm super lame, but after a stressful day I sometimes don't feel like doing anything or being anything but introspective. I'm having one of those days, that yes, my life is AWESOME right now, (Did you read that post about my Tuesday? I mean, seriously) but I still feel like I need to be doing more. Which of course leaves me feeling restless, which of course makes me want to stay in and contemplate my life. Sometimes the best recipe for this mood is to get out and DO things, but tonight, I think I'm going to stay in. Tomorrow, I get to see some of my college friends in NYC as we take in the Christmas sights, and that I can't wait for!

As for now, I'm perfectly satisfied with having a "lame-azing" (this great term was used to describe me by someone who totally gets me...finally!) Friday night.


My main man

This reminds me of my college days, I definitely was a proponent of this rule. Thoughts flow so much easier with some vino...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Catch up...

So I know I've been MIA since Monday, but I've been busy... I can't even use school as an excuse because even though it's finals time, I'm actually on top of things. Only one more paper to go! The real reason I've been too busy to blog is due to work and I have been out adventuring and enjoying life.

Tuesday I had a rare day off and used it as a fantastic mental health day. I'm going to do something that I've never done and never thought I would ever do, but I'm going to drop the "B" bomb on my blog right now... I have butterflies in my stomach as I do this haha... Anyways, just gotta do goes... On Tuesday my boyfriend and I decided to continue with our Christmas spirit and watched a classic...Christmas Vacation. We then discovered the gem of Peekskill....The Field Library Bookstore. The books are all used donations and the shop is run by two little old ladies. They are having a sale until the end of the year and each book was 50 cents. No joke. We each bought two books for ourselves and then challenged one another with the task of picking out a surprise book for the other. I got a great deal...he picked me up a vintage copy of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" that will look amazing on a bookshelf. Though we only got three books Tuesday, we are planning on going back ASAP. Chances are next time we leave we'll look like this...
To continue our adventure, we went to the Bear Mountain Zoo and walked around, saw some animals, (yes, even two bears) and took in some awesome Hudson River views. Not bad for a Tuesday. Oh and we ate cookies, which instantly makes any day awesome.

I want to be the woman in this genius VW ad....
The only things I couldn't really get on board with are: letting my daughter have a pet snake and having a cat named Rover. I would never have a cat, I'm a dog person. And her name would be Lucy, (after "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds") or Penny (after Penny Lane).

I've also been feeling a little restless. I am in a great place in my life and feel like I want to do so much and there's just not enough time. It's not a bad feeling, don't get me wrong, I love that I have the energy and the imagination to explore new things and new parts of myself. But it is frustrating at times because I just don't know where to start!  This Sylvia Plath quote captures how I feel sometimes:
"I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And what do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited."
The important thing is not to get discouraged by how limited we are; challenging ourselves is a great joy and luxury that we humans have.

Current book I'm reading, (ideally by the fire at night): 
Started out just as a reading project my brother had to do for's morphed into a great read.  It was a great suggestion from a future history teacher... I would consider teaching this memoir in my future class.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things that are making my day

Plain Greek Yogurt, pomegranate, walnuts. Delish. A lot of people are intimidated by pomegranates because they are hard to peel, but I use this trick: Cut it in quarters (carefully, the juice stains) and then extract the seeds in cold water. Voila! A mess free way to enjoy this delicious, in season fruit.

These candles are amazing. I want to buy them all, keep some (especially the Jane Austen one) for myself and gift some. I know some English Lit geeks who love to curl up, nice and cozy, with a candle and a good book. These would make the perfect gift.
The holiday season can be stressful and many times we place that stress on ourselves. Our workouts and "me" time sometimes get cut short and we feel guilty about it. It's cold, there are delectable foods at every turn, and sweaters are the perfect disguise. Personally, I try to get my workouts in more for my mind than my body, but I am also refusing to feel guilty about certain things this month. For one, I am feeling totally okay with counting cleaning the house for guests and Christmas shopping as my "cardio." And I am also completely okay with counting apple pie as one of my servings of healthy "fruit." I am not alone. Check out this article from Zooey on how to get a "Holiday Bod." I am personally attached to #3 and can't wait for my aunt to send her annual gingerbread cookies!

Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12th

To my dear friend, you know who you are, I want to wish you a very happy birthday. I miss and love you dearly! And for some reason, when searching for a picture to include in this post, the only thing that seemed fitting was Dr. Seuss. Today you are another year older, and yet, I doubt any more "grown up." And that, my friend, is why I love you!

Also, in a perfect world, this would be my gift to you...