Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend love

As I sit here avoiding work and the gym on this dreary Monday, I can't help but wish that I could live this past Saturday all over again. The weather was perfect: sunny, breezy, warm, but not humid. After a relaxing morning of reading and drinking coffee on the back porch, I went to John's with a purpose: activities. We bought a kite from the dollar store, went to the park with some fruit and a blanket, and had a great summer day. The inexpensive Justice League kite provided entertainment, and the sail boats on the river the perfect backdrop (I really have never taken advantage of living here. Also note to self: if ever in the position where I need to spend a lot of money in a short amount of time - ha! - buy a sail boat). Then of course we had to go exploring. We finished the day with dinner on a rooftop overlooking the river. The whole day encapsulated what I love most about summer.

Sunday ended the weekend on a relaxing note with a BBQ to celebrate Father's Day.

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