Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Lovin' - Part 4

Though I would love to be whoever this woman is, summer usually finds me reading by my pool or on the beach somewhere on Long Island or Jersey. For me, summer reading is supposed to be fun and it's my goal to have the books I read during these warm months be the kind you can't put down.

Here is my personal summer reading list:
1) Cleaning Nabokov's House (Leslie Daniels)
2) The Book Thief (Markus Zusak)
3) The Farming of Bones (Edwidge Danticat)
4) Let's Pretend this Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir (Jenny Lawson)  

If you haven't read these books, I recommend them for your summer reading: 
1) The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay (Suzanne Collins) 
                   ....I'm serious. They're better written than I originally thought and they are infectious. 

2) Zeitoun (David Eggers)
                   ....This book is amazing. Eggers' journalistic tale tells the inside story of a family in New  Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. I found myself reading this book every chance I got until it was done.

3) Bossypants (Tina Fey)
                   .....She had me laughing out loud as I pictured a young, awkward Tina trying to find her way in the world. Also, her accounts of NBC brought back some memories of my own time there and the sheer ridiculousness of it all made me laugh even more. 

4) The Glass Castle (Jeannette Walls)
                 ....I didn't really believe this was a memoir, that's how crazy and dysfunctional this girl's childhood was. Plus, there are talks of them adapting this into a movie with Jennifer Lawrence (love her!).

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