Sunday, February 26, 2012

Productive Procrastination... ?

You know those days where you have so much to do? The list is long and you're dying to cross something off that you put something on there just so you can cross it off and feel accomplished? And you feel so overwhelmed that before you start anything you decide you need to get your life in order. Because you can't really concentrate on all that research until your laundry is done and the DVR is empty. So you go through those books you wanted to organize, and you finally buy that frame to hang that poster, and you have groceries for the week and a good dinner ready to make for tonight. And your house is clean - even under the bed and behind all the furniture because you actually took the time to move it - and you took the time to read those articles you were saving all week. And you even caught up on your blogging. But you haven't actually accomplished the work that you're on deadline for. Which begs the question: Can I really justify procrastination if it's productive?

Regardless, enjoy these

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